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WILD | a painted series by Karli Corr

Karli Corr holding original floral art in her art studio

When I used to commute from Louisiana to Mississippi every day, I got to see a lot of the surrounding landscape and watch it change from season to season. Spring was my favorite to watch. As I drove the long stretches of roadways, I watched the deadness of winter give way to abundant life. The dead grass turned into thick bushes of wildflowers. The dull roadside turned into a wild garden full of color. It felt like the earth was bursting with life, beauty, and hope. 

It's two months later, and I’m still inspired by those wildflowers. They’ve been so symbolic of my life lately. I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am and what I was created to do. I’ve had to reflect on my natural abilities and what my purpose is deep inside- what is wild inside of me? What is natural and waiting to bloom?

Looking back on those roadside wildflowers, I’ve realized that we’re all like a flower seed. We have everything we need inside of us to grow into who we truly are - to reach our potential. Flowers bloom where they’re planted. They find the sun, soak it in, and they do what they were made to do. In the same way, we should allow ourselves to grow wild and be the purest and most beautiful forms of ourselves. 

These paintings capture that wildness and beauty that is inside each of us. I hope that this little series inspires you as it has me. As you look at these paintings, remember that you have everything you need inside of you to reach your potential. You are beautiful. You are wild. 



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