the HOLY LAND collection

Where are You staying?
6" x 7.5"
soft pastel on sanded paper
This painting is from an image taken at Tel Megiddo. It's the site of the ancient city called Megiddo. We are more familiar with its Greek name, Armageddon. The tel is made of many cities that were built on top of each other. This spot was very important geographically and historically because of its ability to control the valley. So many battles and lots of destruction happened in this place, its not surprising that the book of Revelation locates the final battle here at this hill.
So why would I paint this? As I was going through pictures to paint for this collection, I came across this one that showed a path from the shadows into the light. It reminded me of a meditation I had once. The meditation wasn't about Tel Megiddo, but it looked very similar to this particular picture.
I was reflecting on John 1:38-37, when some of Jesus' first disciples asked Him, "Where are You staying?" In my meditation, I asked Him the same question, and He gave me the same answer He gave them - "Come and see." I pictured Jesus taking my hand and leading me down a path into the sunlight over a sandy hill. Very similar to this painting.
So how does this relate to Megiddo? I think that when we see destruction from people, what we really see is people who are lost. We are all created by God and for God. As Saint Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” All of the evil in the world is the result of us not being united to God. The destruction is a lack of knowing where God is.
As He did to the first disciples, Jesus asks us, "What are you looking for?" He wants to show us where He is. May we realize that what we are searching for is Him. May our hands be open for Him to guide us from the darkness and into the light. May we come and see.