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the HOLY LAND collection



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Fishers of Men

4" x 5"

soft pastel on sanded paper

Shaped like a harp, the Sea of Galilee is formed by the Jordan River that flows into it on the northern shore. It's about 13 miles long and almost 8 miles wide. Its deepest part is about 140 feet.  


This painting is a familiar view for the fishermen of the Sea of Galilee. Everywhere you look, you're surrounded by hills and valleys. It supplies the Holy Land with fresh water and provides good fishing, even today. 


Before Jesus calls Peter and Andrew, he fills their boat with an extraordinary amount of fish. He then uses that miracle to call them to fish for men. The abundance of the fish foreshadows the abundance of people that God wants to be brought to Him. 


Read Luke 5:1-11

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Why did you doubt?

8" x 10"

soft pastel on sanded paper

"Why did you doubt?" The question Jesus asks Peter once they got back into the boat. Peter had done something amazing... he had walked on water! But... he had also sank. The difference between the walking and the sinking was his faith. 


How many times does God give us the grace to do something amazing in the midst of a storm, but we take our eyes off of Him and focus on the storm instead? Then as we're sinking we cry, "Lord, save me!"  And even in our doubting, God rescues us. He always rescues us. 


Read Matthew 14:22-33


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